
if your heart beats for someone.
make sure it's not for me.
More we travel, more we found how the world is small.
More we experience, more we found how our world should be small.


You're made with chocolate. My Kriptonite.


Where and who are you puzzling now?
J'ai un amant qui a un caractère d'un mari. - Coco Avant Chanel


you don't know me that's why you dare.
Why it's always the quiet ones? - The Messenger
it hurts.
it hurts a little day by day.
should i make it stop or should i let it flow?
you tell me.


Never make someone a priority when you are only an option for them. - Author unknown.


We're doing the same thing at the same time.
We're thinking the same line of the same fine.
You think I'm your fine and I'm doing in your time.
That's how we sign and that's why we fight.
You and I.

We're singing the same song at the same tone.
We're dancing the same way of the same style.
You sing I'm your style and I'm dancing in your mind.
That's how we sign and that's why we fight.
You and I.


hard to walk the life path straight.


tu m'as tué symboliquement.

Pas sûre si je me suis en train de fondre dans le paysage ou j'ai pris simplement le pouvoir d'invisible?


what's belong to you will always be yours. what's not mine, will never be mine.


you're such a vampire copy cat!
This is beginning of the end.